The coming of the month of July reminds us that we are halfway through the year, which means two things. One, that we have stood through six months of blessings, favors and, also, challenges and sacrifices. Two, that we are to go through six more! Because of this, it is necessary for us to be refreshed.
While the fast-paced world tells us to “Work! Work! Work!” the Lord Jesus Christ tells us to: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Because accomplishing more does not always mean doing more. Sometimes, we just need to rest. And the best place we can do this is in the mighty arms of our Jesus-- He invites us to come. We expect a holy and omnipotent God to be unapproachable, if not dreadful. But our God—the only true God—is both powerful to overcome and loving to embrace. Notice that it is He who initiates the encounter: “Come!” As if to say, “Don’t hesitate. I am here. I am near.” He invites us to come--all of us. By “all,” He means rich or poor, tall or short, male or female, good or bad. For as long as we are weary and burdened, for as long as we need Him, we may come and avail of His invitation. No exceptions whatsoever. Because when it comes to His promises, God neither favors nor excludes a particular group of people. He invites us to come to His rest. His words are clear: “I will give you rest.” But this rest is more than just sleep. It means restoration and rejuvenation of the body, mind, heart and, most importantly, soul: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b) An offer as wonderful as this must be expensive and yet, the invitation He is giving us is free. No need to pay any amount or donation. All we need to do is to simply come, with faith. Because the nail-pierced hands that will embrace us have already paid the price. So do not hesitate. Allow yourself to rest in His arms. Follow Bro. Eddie: Twitter: @bro_eddie Facebook:
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Jam In LifeEncouraging notes from JIL Canada local church Pastors and Coordinators! Authors
April 2016
Jesus Is Lord Church is a Philippine-based, Christ-centred Full-Gospel Christian Church that is doing ministry work since 1978. It is currently present in 70 countries around the world. In 1987 Jesus Is Lord Church started its ministry work in Canada and found a home in 10 of its provinces and territories today - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Northwest Territories.