Our Declaration of Principles and ValuesThe Jesus Is Lord Church Worldwide's (JILCW) Declaration of Principles and Values.
JIL Doctrinal and Ministerial DistinctiveThe JILCW adheres to the biblical tenets of the faith, evangelical, Full-Gospel (Pentecostal-Charismatic) distinctives in doctrine, ministry and experience. We affirm the Laussane Covenant of 1974, the Manila Manifesto of 1989 and the historic creeds of Christianity, especially the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.
The Church as an Agent of Evangelism and TransformationWe hold that the Church is central in GOD’S redemptive plan for humanity and it is GOD’S agent for evangelism and transformation. The JILCW recognizes the urgency of this task and is committed to take the whole Gospel to the whole world until the Great Commission is fulfilled.
Discipleship and TrainingThe Church is called upon not only to evangelize the lost but also to disciple and equip believers for effective and fruitful service. The JILCW shall provide various training programs where, by the Spirit, through the Word, and the five-fold ascension gifts in Ephesians 4, the members are prepared to function in their grace and giftings.
Priority of WorshipThe JILCW recognizes worship as the priority ministry of all believers, and that through the life-nourishing power of worship flows out evangelism and other ministries. Therefore, the JILCW shall equip its members to live a lifestyle of worship.
The Authority of the BibleThe Bible is GOD’s Word and we acknowledge its absolute power and authority upon our lives and the Church. The JILCW shall endeavour to pattern all its conduct, practices and ministries according to Scriptural principles.
Primacy of Prayer-IntercessionThe JILCW shall equip and release its members to be prayer warriors and intercessors because we believe that through prayer and intercession we tap into GOD’S inexhaustible resources and destroy the works of Satan thereby establishing GOD’s rulership over all spheres of life and over all the nations of the world.
Leadership IntegrityEvery JILCW leader and member shall endeavour to live a life pleasing to the LORD and must always conduct himself/herself with purity, integrity and consecration, manifesting the righteousness of GOD and the fruit of the Spirit, and he/she must faithfully follow the provisions of this Constitution and existing code of laws and others as may be promulgated by JILCW through the Executive Bishop or his authorized representative.
Ministry ExcellenceThe JILCW believes that excellence and integrity in the conduct of ministry must be upheld at all times. Therefore, all JILCW pastors and ministry leaders/workers must adhere to the Biblical Principles and existing Code of Laws and other policies and procedures, rules and regulations that may, from time to time, be promulgated and implemented by JILCW through the Executive Bishop or his authorized representative.
JIL MembershipEvery JILCW member is a vital part in fulfilling the mission and vision of the JILCW. He/She shall endeavor to develop and utilize his/her GOD-given gifts for His service through the multi-ministries of the Church, faithful attendance to Church activities, prayer, and giving of tithes and offerings and other resources.
FamilyThe family, as a covenantal institution ordained by GOD, is the foundation and validation of our ministries. Therefore, the JILCW is committed to equip families to become strong units of society where each member is functioning according to his/her biblical role and responsibility.
MarriageMarriage is designed by GOD to be a lifelong and permanent relationship between a man and woman and that divorce and separation are not solutions to marital problems and discord. The JILCW shall always uphold the sanctity of marriage and oppose any attempt to destroy it by any person, group or sector.
God and Country (Diyos at Bayan)The Church people are called to be GOD’s representatives who create impact to the Nations. Therefore, the JILCW shall endeavor to exert strong prophetic voice and influence upon all pillars of society and the whole nation through socio-economic and political involvement and transformation, which we believe are crucial parts of our Christian duty and mandate.
Compassion MinistryWe believe that the Church is to share GOD's compassion for the poor and the needy, distressed, and oppressed. To this end, the JILCW shall establish ministries that shall be concrete expressions of GOD's love and mercy to the marginalized members of the society.
StewardshipWe believe that the Church must handle its finances and other resources as good stewards with utmost integrity, according to high ethical monetary practices, and always in the manner that honors the LORD. The JILCW recognizes that all tithes, offerings, pledges and donations are from and for GOD and must always be spent wisely and appropriately for the ministry, with the strict observance of regular reportorial submissions and proper accounting.
Unity in the Body of ChristWe affirm that the Church of JESUS CHRIST is only One but with many local congregations; that JESUS is the CHIEF SHEPHERD with many undershepherds. The JILCW acknowledges that it is only one of the local expressions of the One Universal Church and is committed to work with CHRIST-centered and Bible-based churches and Christian organizations to advance GOD's Kingdom in the spirit of love, unity and mutual recognition of giftings and callings.
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Copyright 2024, Jesus is Lord Church Canada
Jesus Is Lord Church is a Philippine-based, Christ-centred Full-Gospel Christian Church that is doing ministry work since 1978. It is currently present in 70 countries around the world. In 1987 Jesus Is Lord Church started its ministry work in Canada and found a home in 10 of its provinces and territories today - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Northwest Territories.
Jesus Is Lord Church is a Philippine-based, Christ-centred Full-Gospel Christian Church that is doing ministry work since 1978. It is currently present in 70 countries around the world. In 1987 Jesus Is Lord Church started its ministry work in Canada and found a home in 10 of its provinces and territories today - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Northwest Territories.