By Cherry-Kaye Maiquez, JIL Maple-Vaughan Anticipation. It was anticipation that filled the hearts of the people in Jesus is Lord Church - East Canada Operations (ECO). Celebrating 32 years of God’s goodness and faithfulness in His ministry, the JIL people across the East were excited for what God was going to do on September 17, 2023.
We praise God for mightily using the life of Rev. Marilou “Mimi” Dela Cruz, Director of JIL Western Europe Operations. The resounding message to ‘Arise Better and Build Greater’ has surely been planted in our hearts. The JIL people of ECO claim the victory, that, as Ptr. Mimi said, "this 32nd anniversary was an inauguration of the new things God will do in the church." Rev. Mimi Dela Cruz of JIL Western Europe preaching the Word of God Additionally, JIL Ottawa celebrated our province's 32nd anniversary the week prior, on September 10. Now, we wait with great anticipation for what the Lord will do in the year to come. For there is an undeniable spirit of revival upon the believers of Christ and JIL East Canada is responding to the call! ![]() An enticing and eye-opening presentation by Christian Youth for the Nations (CYN) Cornerstone Toronto ![]() One of our crowd overflow rooms at JIL Cornerstone Toronto Ready, Get Set, Kiddoz! After two long years, our Hallelujah Night returned this year and was held last October 31st at the JIL Regina Cornerstone. The event was open to kids of all ages, and all kids in attendance arrived dressed in their athletic-themed costumes. This year’s theme is “Run to Jesus”, a message of encouragement for every child, that even at a young age, they can always run to Jesus for help in times they find themselves in challenging situations that they find difficult to overcome. Not only that, but learning to work with one another, by asking for help and offering help to those who need it, pleases the Lord and brings Him glory. This was best demonstrated in the Amazing Race competition especially prepared by the JIL Regina Kiddoz Network teachers, wherein each child had the opportunity to work with one another to accomplish various tasks in order to complete their mission. The rest of the night was filled with more activities that the kids surely enjoyed such as the costume runway show and the different games prepared for different age categories: preschoolers, kiddoz, and preteens. The Hallelujah Night then concluded with an awarding ceremony for the winners of the “Best in Costume” and “Best in Sportsmanship” awards, as well as a semi-graduation ceremony for the preteens who will be moving on to the Christian Youth for the Nations (CYN) Network in the year 2023. We thank God for the victory of this year’s fun-filled Hallelujah Night, and please continue to support all activities of the JIL Regina Kiddoz Network in the future! *“Father, to You alone the glory and the highest honour Every living breath declares Your praise As we gaze upon the horizon, of your wonders we are in awe Heaven open before us, we declare an overflow!” JIL Regina celebrated its 30th year anniversary on Sunday, July 30th, 2022 entitled “Overflow of God’s Great Wonders” and with the theme verse taken from Psalm 77:14, “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Visitors from the JIL churches across Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the Philippines joined us that day in the celebration of God’s faithfulness in our church, with guests of honour Rev. Joey Crisostomo of Ptr. Ellen Crisostomo of JIL Greenhills, Rev. Amor Adela and Ptr. Rannie Adela of JIL British Columbia, Ptr. George Dela Rosa of JIL Manitoba, and Ptr. Pol Narido and Ptr. Jake Esperanza of JIL Saskatchewan. The anniversary began with the singing of the Philippine national anthem “Lupang Hinirang” and the Canadian national anthem “O Canada”. Following this was the opening number, a spoken word poetry led by members of our Youth network “Christian Youth for the Nations”. The written piece chronicled JIL Regina’s journey for the past five years and how the pandemic has brought its ups and downs to our church, ending it with a declaration of wonders that the Lord will for sure bring in the years to come. The Word of God was delivered by Rev. Joey Crisostomo, a member of the JIL Church Worldwide’s Executive Management Board (EMB), Director of the Bro. Eddie School of Ministries International (BESMI), and the Program Director and Ministering Pastor of JIL Greenhills. Ptr. Joey shared powerful insights about God’s character and His love for us being the driving force of His divine actions, reflected on his own journey both as a Pastor and a Christian, and encouraged us to believe in the miracles and deliverance that the Lord can bring in our lives by placing our faith in Him. A prophetic gesture was held after the ministering portion, where every guest was asked to write their prayer requests and to put them up on the standing frame provided at the front. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit, Rev. Joey prayed for these letters, asking God to honour the desires and petitions of His people. He also offered a prayer for the JIL Regina Church Management Team (CMT), and Life Group leaders (LGL), together with their respective families. Thank you, Lord for the grace and the privilege to receive Your breakthrough in our church, in our ministries, and most importantly in our families! No other glory is due except unto our God for this victorious celebration! In all the days that led up to this event, it was not our efforts, but His favour and provision that carried us through. We are in awe, and we know that this is just the beginning. From here onwards, may the Lord’s unending wonders and faithfulness remain lifted high in the lives of His people and in His church! *An excerpt from the spoken word poetry presented during the anniversary opening number. God is faithful, and He always will be in the lives of His people! Through the challenges, the testing and the trials, God is always with us, and He will remain as the “Comforting Hope” for all of us and the generations to come. Launching the month with the resumption of our “Dawn Watch” service, God’s people at JIL North Calgary readied their hearts at the break of dawn and directed themselves towards God and seeking His face. Proclaiming God’s goodness and faithfulness in their lives, our church was able to catch a glimpse of what good things the Lord still had in store for the rest of the month! Along with our regular Worship and Healing Services, we recognized and celebrated a special Mothers day with all the strong and beautiful moms of JIL North Calgary! Praying over them and once again remembering the significance of all our mothers. The first-ever CYN/YAN powerhouse was held on May 14, 2022, to prepare all the young people for the upcoming CYN/YAN Summit! The bond between the youths and young adults was built, and they are now getting ready for the great things that God has for them. This new generation is prepared and equipped to go. To seal the end of the month, our YAN and WIN ministry partnered together in a prayer meeting with the theme, “Ready, Set, Go.” Prepared and equipped to be used mightily in the Kingdom of God! It is a true and a manifested fact that God is a God who brings peace, love, and comfort to His people. Undoubtedly we have seen this through the glorious victory of every activity that has taken place throughout this month. We bring back every ounce of glory, honour, and praise to His holy name! And we cannot wait for the greater things God has in store for His people at Jesus Is Lord Church North Calgary! May Events SlideshowAfter three long years and proceeding with utmost caution, JIL Regina’s Re-Encounter with God Retreat Batch 4 was held last June 18-19, 2022 at the Echo Lake Bible Camp. Prior to the retreat, a corporate prayer and fasting for one meal was declared on Friday, June 17th. All delegates were also asked to perform an individual COVID swab test and must show a negative result in order to be able to participate in the retreat. We thank You Lord for your healing and protection! We were joined by our SK pastors Ptr. Bong Palon (JIL Regina) and Ptr. Jake Esperanza (JIL Saskatoon) as speakers, and each session covered topics intended to equip delegates with knowledge, excellence, spiritual maturity and character maturity as future leaders. The sessions were not only meant for teaching and listening, but there were also activities for the delegates to do as a form of application to what they have been taught so far. In these activities, they got to learn more about their innate spiritual gifts, as well as techniques and ideas on how to handle different character profiles when it comes to mentoring. The commissioning portion of the retreat was conducted on the second and last day of the retreat, and in there the delegates were prayed for and were anointed with oil. Indeed during this time, there was an overflow of anointing and redeeming power that only our God can bring. Workers who had grown tired and weary were refreshed. Workers who carried deep hurt and resentment were freed and experienced restoration. Workers who desired more of God’s move in their life had their prayers fulfilled. What a blessing it is to experience the Holy Spirit’s mighty move from the beginning up to the end of our Re-EGR retreat! We believe that the God who made His presence known in the hearts of our delegates will be the same God who will guide these future leaders and further equip them as they pursue their respective calling all for His glory. As our declaration for April, we have “A Living Hope” because Jesus is alive! Throughout this month, God has shown His resurrecting power upon His people. New things, victories, miracles, answered prayers, have experienced.
Starting with the first-ever MAN Summit in Alberta 2, with the theme “SERVING AT ITS BEST” God had shown that this precious ministry of His is not limited behind the scenes but has a very purpose in advancing His kingdom, for His gospel to reach all the four corners of the world. He fired up every MAN team to do things with excellence, all for His glory! Succeeding on our Good Friday Service and Resurrection Service were adhered to commemorate what Jesus had done on the cross and how powerfully He had saved us! With His resurrecting power and His blood, every believer received full access to His throne and the benefits of the cross. “Seniors SPA” was not just relaxation, but seniors also received spiritual and physical awakening during their gathering. Moreover, the couples were grateful for the wisdom imparted by our beloved Alberta 2, Provincial Pastor, Ptr. Ana Marie Anada about “FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP” and how to handle their finances according to God’s principles. They are now ready to apply everything they have learned to attain a financial breakthrough in their lives. The Young adult network rolled the ball to WIN THE PRIZE. Everyone had redirected to what they must pursue in life. The fifth Friday of the month wasn’t just an ordinary Night of Power but a night full of worship, as the first-ever Worship Night was held on April 29, 2022. The glory of God came down, and everyone experienced His very presence. Lastly, the Men’s Network were gathered for their faith to be strengthened, as they declared that they are “Men of Faith”! The whole month was full of activities and accomplished victoriously because our God is alive! To Him be all the glory, honor, praises, and thanksgiving! Back to JIL North Calgary The objective of this event was to strengthen the bond between the youth members of our church through sports, to use this opportunity for them to hear the Word of God, and to encourage recreational activities for health and wellness. JIL Regina’s Christian Youth for the Nations (CYN) Network organized and facilitated a Basketball and Volleyball Sportsfest held last March 26th, 2022 with over 100 guests attending to enjoy a day full of fun, food, and fellowship! Before the sportsfest began, all playing teams, categorized by their age bracket, declared an Oath of Sportsmanship led by the CYN Youth Management Team (YMT). Please note that health and public safety protocols were followed for the whole duration of the event. The elimination rounds for both basketball and volleyball were held in the morning, followed by a short break. The Word of God was delivered by JIL Regina’s Church Pastor, Ptr. Bong Palon, serving as an encouragement to the youths before proceeding to the championship games. In this round, the remaining teams seized this opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and sportsmanship in order to win the game! The awarding ceremony for the Sportsfest was held on Sunday, March 27th, where the players received a certificate of participation, and medals were awarded to the basketball and volleyball winning teams. We are grateful to have this opportunity to reach out to the youths in our city and introduce Jesus in their lives through sports and games, to share love and compassion through spirited camaraderie, and to rely on prayer as a source of strength and victory. All in all, it has been a joyous and victorious event for everyone! Connect with our local youth group through the following social media accounts! Facebook: CYN Regina ( Instagram: @cynregina “Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.” - 1 Samuel 3:4 With the theme “For Your Glory Here I Am, Send Me,” JIL Regina’s Worship Arts Network (WAN) members and trainees gathered for a night of empowerment led by JIL Worship Director, Ptr. Sam Binalla, as our guest speaker. The objective of this event held last March 11th, 2022 was to motivate our local church WAN members to continue serving the Lord with all their hearts: for the existing members to reignite their passion in worshiping and for the trainees to be further inspired in offering their God-given talents in the ministry! Ptr. Sam delivered a powerful message that resonated with the hearts of every worshiper in attendance. He shared memorable experiences of His encounter with the Lord; and how the Lord turned his then doubts and reluctance into living a life that only longs to please and magnify Jesus alone! Through this message, we were reminded that: worship is not about pleasing people, it is not about the crowd before us, but worship is for God and God alone; that our calling in this ministry is to be restored and be perfectly aligned with His purpose; therefore urging us to put our worship to the standard of God. Ptr. Sam also ministered to our team and led a prayer of recommitment for the WAN members. All glory to the living God for using Ptr. Sam Binalla to be a vessel of His Word and blessings to His people! In every song that we sing and dance to, in every music that we play, and all there is in between: may our genuine love for the Lord, our wholehearted gratitude for His goodness in our lives, and our desire for His name to be lifted high above all, remain the reason for our worship. Therefore we pray and declare that with boldness and perseverance, may every worshiper strive to pursue and glorify God and Him alone! A momentous occasion as we celebrated God’s faithfulness in JIL Regina! For years, our church has been in search of a new building and in all those years, none of the prospects ever seem to work out. We continued to pray, continued to search, until we came across this building and by God’s divine favour and mercy alone, He has answered our longstanding prayers and beyond exceeded our expectations! On Thursday, February 4th, we officially received the keys to our new JIL Regina Cornerstone building. We were joined by church pastors, staff and church coordinators from all over JIL Western Canada such as Rev. Amor Adela, Ptr. Rannie Adela, Ptr. Albert Nuguid, and Sis. Gi Emas from JIL British Columbia, as well as Ptr. Jake Esperanza, Ptr. Pol Narido, Sis. Lai Morante, and Bro. Rey Vistal from JIL Saskatchewan where they each shared words of encouragement and congratulations for JIL Regina, as well as offering a prayer of dedication for every corner and every room of the building to be saturated with God’s covering and restoration as a new JIL church moving forward. This has been a day of celebration and thanksgiving as everyone who joined us that day filled the place with songs of praise and worship for the Lord who deserves it all! Our hearts overflow with gratefulness and joy, for in His perfect timing, the Lord has shown Himself once more as a trustworthy God who not only keeps His promises but brings blessings and provision beyond what one can hope for. The new JIL Regina Cornerstone building is a standing testament to all the great things the Lord has done and can still do in our church and in our lives! Not unto us, but all the praises, honour, and glory belong to Him alone! Brothers and sisters, we hope to see you at our new church address listed below! For more information regarding our church activities and weekly gathering, connect with us through the following social media accounts:
JIL Church Regina 3233 Argyle Road Regina, SK S4S 2B5 Facebook: Instagram: @jilregina The JIL Regina Mens’ Network held their annual conference this year entitled “Rise Up.” The theme verse was taken from 1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” The purpose of the conference was:
In compliance with Saskatchewan's public health restrictions, this event was held online via Zoom on June 26th, 2021. As one of the program’s main highlights, there were three videos presented. They were testimonies of God’s favor in the lives of our fellow brothers in Christ. Bro. Elmer Barros, Bro. Raymond Dalusong and Bro. Christian Dela Cruz all testified to the miracle working power that transformed their lives. Their stories brought glory to the name of the Lord and only He was lifted up! The Word of God was delivered by guest speaker Pastor Rannie Adela of JIL Burnaby-New Westminster. Sometimes men of God can be burdened by the overwhelming duties of being a father and a husband in their own respective families, but it is the Lord who empowers, equips, and simply goes with them every step of the way. Hearing this message further encouraged the delegates to seek the Lord and the calling He has placed in their hearts. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the mighty movement that was experienced throughout! The conference ended with a victory proclamation, picture taking, closing remarks and the closing prayer, respectively. To God be all the glory! Back to JIL Regina |
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Copyright 2024, Jesus is Lord Church Canada
Jesus Is Lord Church is a Philippine-based, Christ-centred Full-Gospel Christian Church that is doing ministry work since 1978. It is currently present in 70 countries around the world. In 1987 Jesus Is Lord Church started its ministry work in Canada and found a home in 10 of its provinces and territories today - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Northwest Territories.
Jesus Is Lord Church is a Philippine-based, Christ-centred Full-Gospel Christian Church that is doing ministry work since 1978. It is currently present in 70 countries around the world. In 1987 Jesus Is Lord Church started its ministry work in Canada and found a home in 10 of its provinces and territories today - British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Northwest Territories.